Author: DK22Pac
Co - author: Function-X- (textures)
Adapting Credits: F_ , Bruno_93 , Baton4ik24 , zxc2.0 , Schnitzel.Nazi , Alec , zyrowh
Functions of the current v2.1.1:
Brake light, fog lights, warning flashers, brake lights;
Brake calipers;
Animated airfoil;
Functional steering wheel;
Possibility to use exclusive texture in the headlights. (from the car's .txd instead of the vehicle.txd)
Fixed headlights getting dark after switching;
Damage on headlights;
Emergency lights (police etc);
Dirt running on paint jobs;
HD cards that light up;
New color system for cars;
And More...
But of course, the above functions are for adapted cars, without the adapted car you do not have the functions of the mod. ( This Mod Comes With Original Cars Adapted )